My Own Private Idaho / XXX

by Dominic Calderon


My Own Private Idaho

i want to be with the digital monkeys

dressed in a tiny tank top

in an orb

clipping through the pixelated sky

as i soar above the ocean 

and spar with the capuchins 

i want to dream of a train in salem, oregon

sliding across a body of ice

seat buckles removed

laughing as they become kaleidoscopic

i want to be treated as a little dog 

too old

and too stupid to feed myself

i want nine babies and zero husbands

i want to drink an exotic smoothie

and night swim with somebody special

by special 

i of course mean 

someone who


i am nothing but a can of 

expired pineapple


everything is good, you thought,

as you reach into a damp styrofoam container to grab an undercooked french fry

the air conditioner was broken more often than not

but if you hit it at the right angle it would let out a brief sigh of exhaustion

sometimes he would look at you and his hair looked like a chia pet

this was enough, you thought

you went to a repertory screening of se7en at eight

by nine he made the joke

you know the one

the one your cousin would say as dollar store ginger ale dripped from his mouth 

you hated puns but anything could be funny if the right person said it

the two of you made a pact to kill each other by 30

no one wants to be 30

by that point if you’re not rich

your life becomes open toe sandals and worrying about the dow

no one really wants to be 30

Dominic Calderon is a writer and film critic based in Arizona. He is currently working on a prose collection titled “Devil Worship” slated for release in 2021. He often thinks about riding a motorcycle with Takeshi Kaneshiro and getting back into birdwatching. He can be reached on Twitter via @ciroc_jon.


How to Avoid the Living / Disaster Planning


A Bird in the Hand